Cuepoints plugin

This plugin adds Cuepoint support to Wowza Flowplayer.


To use the plugin, load the plugin next to the core player.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

Configuration (mandatory)

You can configure the plugin with top level configuration option cuepoints. cuepoints accepts an array of Json-objects that must contain at least startTime and endTime properties which represents the start and end time, in seconds, for each cuepoint.

Cuepoints can be added on the timeline-element and are stylable with class fp-cuepoint, by using the top level configuration property draw_cuepoints.

In the configuration root (top level):

Property Values Description
draw_cuepoints v3.4.6 true, false Whether to show the cuepoints in the timeline. Can be styled through the .fp-cuepoint CSS class.

Inside the cuepoints: [{}, {}] array objects:

Property Description
startTime Numeric value in seconds (or fractions) to add cuepoint.
endTime Numeric value in seconds (or fractions) to remove cuepoint.
msg The message to be triggered by the cuepoint.

Please note the end and start properties were changed to endTime and startTime with the v3.x releases, while draw_cuepoints was removed from v3.0 until v3.5 and reintroduce in v3.6.


The properties are:

Property Description
cuepoints An array with currently used cuepoints.
events Events that can be listened to or fired.
CUEPOINTS When new cuepoints are added.
CUEPOINT_START When the start time for a cuepoint is passed.
CUEPOINT_END When the end time for a cuepoint is passed.

Add and remove cuepoints

Adding and removing cuepoints while playing can done by emitting the CUEPOINTS event, and modifying the player's opts.cuepoints property using ordinary array methods.

  { cuepoints: player.opts.cuepoints.concat({startTime: 1, endTime: 3}) }

Sample code

var player = flowplayer('#container', {
    src: ""
    , cuepoints: [
        {startTime: 0.5, endTime:3, msg: "Cuepoint 1"}
        , {startTime: 5, endTime:7, msg: "Cuepoint 2"}
        , {startTime: 10, endTime:15, msg: "Cuepoint 3"}
        , {startTime: 20, endTime:24, msg: "Cuepoint 4"}

player.on(, function(e) {
    console.log('Cuepoint started',;
player.on(, function(e) {
    console.log('Cuepoint ended');


Go to our Flowplayer sandbox and try this demo.