Comscore Analytics plugin

This plugin allows you to track your media content in Comscore. It supports VOD, livestreams, and ads tracking.


Prerequisites include:

  • Wowza Flowplayer.
  • The ads plugin, if you want to measure ads.


Add the plugin next to the core player:

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- add further plugins if required -->

Configuration (mandatory)

You can configure the plugin with top level configuration option comscore .

Example of top level configuration:

comscore: {
	account_id: "your-comscoure-account-id",
	c3: "your-c3-value",
	media_title: "[media_name]",
	media_id: "[media_id]",
	ns_st_ep: "episode name",
	ns_st_ia: "",
	ns_st_c4: "",
	ns_st_c6: ""

Configuration properties:

property description
account_id Your Comscore account id, also referred to as c2
c3 The c3 value provided to you by Comscore
media_title Use string directly or [media_name] as a placeholder for media title in metadata event
media_id Use string directly or [media_id] as a placeholder for media id in metadata event.
ns_st_* There are several more Comscore values that can be specified in the config. Please read the general Comscore documentation for all available properties.

Tracked events

The plugin tracks the following events:

event description
ad_started Sent at the start of each ad
ad_complete Sent at end of each ad
video_started Sent first time the video/livestream playback starts
video_resume Sent each time the video/livestream playback starts after being paused
video_resume Sent each time the video/livestream playback is paused
video_complete Sent when the video/livesteam has finished playing