About digital rights management in Wowza Video

Digital rights management (DRM) technology provides a way, through encryption, for content creators to protect copyrights and unauthorized distribution of their digital media. The Wowza Video REST API provides integration with EZDRM, a third-party digital rights management (DRM) service you can use to protect content from unauthorized viewing.


To protect streams using EZDRM, you must have an EZDRM account, configured appropriately for the device types you want to stream to. For FairPlay, you'll need verification from Apple that you're approved to use Fairplay.

Refer to EZDRM and their documentation for more information about EZDRM account setup.

Because this solution involves navigating multiple service providers, we recommend engaging with Professional Services for assistance with setup. You can schedule a call.

Currently, Wowza Video supports the following EZDRM key management systems:

  • EZDRM FairPlay Streaming – Supports HLS playback for content to Apple devices with native support for the HTML 5 player in macOS Safari browsers or Safari 11.3 on iOS.
  • EZDRM Universal – Supports MPEG-DASH playback for Google Widevine and Microsoft PlayReady devices and platforms using a linked Common Encryption (CENC) key.

While you can implement DRM for Apple (FairPlay) and Widevine/PlayReady individually, in most cases you'll want to complete both of the following tasks to ensure your stream is protected on as many devices and platforms as possible: