Wowza Video REST API deprecation policy

Learn about our deprecation policy for the Wowza Video™ REST API.

Deprecation policy

The feature set for the Wowza Video service naturally evolves over time, and sometimes a feature may need to be updated or removed from the REST API. We also provide performance improvements in newer API versions to increase efficiency. Deprecation and sunsetting may involve individual parameters, endpoints, or an entire version of the API. We provide a deprecation policy and schedule so our users can plan migration to newer functionality and versions as they are available. Our goal is to improve the streaming experience without disrupting applications that depend on the Wowza Video REST API.


Parameters that describe resources may be removed as the API develops with updated feature functionality. Parameters are deprecated within the beta version of the REST API only. The current version does not include active deprecations. The Wowza Video REST API release notes changelog provides announcements of parameter deprecations, and the API reference documentation includes deprecation information in the parameter description.

A deprecated parameter may still be available but is not reliable for use. It's marked deprecated when the API version is in beta, and the note remains when the beta version moves to become current. In a new beta version of the API, the parameter is removed from the reference documentation.

At times, it may be necessary to sunset a parameter without going through a deprecation state first. A sunset parameter is no longer available for use. Parameters that are sunset without moving through deprecation first are marked as sunset in the API documentation. When a new beta version is introduced, the sunset parameter is removed.


As the REST API develops over time, we may remove resources and their associated endpoints. We may also reorganize existing resources by updating their endpoints to allow for additional functionality. This maintains an organized and logically accessible API. Like parameters, endpoints that are deprecated or updated are noted in the release notes changelog and the reference documentation. All endpoint reorganization or deprecation is completed in a beta version of the API before it moves to current.

A deprecated endpoint or operation may still be available but is not reliable for use. It's marked as deprecated when the API version is in beta, and the note remains when the beta version moves to become current. In a new beta version of the API, the deprecated endpoint is removed from the reference documentation.

An endpoint or operation may move to a sunset state without going through a deprecation state first. Sunset operations are no longer available for use. Operations that are sunset without moving through deprecation first are marked as sunset in the beta version of the API documentation, and the note remains when the version moves to become current. When a new beta version is introduced, the sunset operation is removed.

Migration support

See the Wowza Video REST API migration guide for general guidance.

For further assistance, contact Wowza Technical Support.

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