Getting started with Wowza Flowplayer tvOS SDK

Update notice

This section contains documentation for the legacy version of the Wowza Flowplayer tvOS SDK. To continue working with the SDK, we recommend that you migrate to version 4. The legacy version of the SDK is not actively maintained and will be retired on February 1, 2024.

This article is an introduction to the core features of the Wowza Flowplayer tvOS SDK and lists all the requirements for adding the SDK into a tvOS project. It assumes that you have basic understanding of tvOS development and that you are familiar with Xcode and Swift.


This documentation was written for version 1.1.0 of the Wowza FlowplayerSDK tvOS

The Wowza Flowplayer SDK for tvOS is a fully fledged media manager that handles every aspect of media playback, ads, and state. The Wowza Flowplayer tvOS SDK uses AVPlayer at its core and, therefore, takes advantage of all its powerful features.

The SDK supports adaptive streaming technologies such as HLS as well as the most popular single container formats such as MP4, MP3, AVI, and several more.


Some of the most important features of the Wowza Flowplayer tvOS SDK include:


To be able to compile and run your application using the Wowza Flowplayer tvOS SDK, the following requirements need to be met.

Minimum tvOS version

The Wowza Flowplayer tvOS SDK is available to devices running tvOS version 12.0+.


The Wowza Flowplayer tvOS SDK is based on the following dependencies:

Add the SDK to your project

Once you have met all the prerequisites, you are ready to add the Wowza Flowplayer tvOS SDK to your project and start developing. You can add the SDK using CocoaPods or a manual setup.

CocoaPods setup

  1. Add Flowplayer together with its dependencies to your Podfile :
    pod 'Flowplayer-tvOS', '~> 1.0.3'
  2. Execute pod install to finalize.

Manual setup

  1. Download the binary framework of Wowza Flowplayer tvOS SDK from here .
  2. As mentioned earlier, the Wowza Flowplayer tvOS SDK depends on Google IMA which you need to download as well.
  3. Next, you need to link and embed the frameworks (Flowplayer, FlowplayerCore, and Google IMA) into your target.

Your target's Build Phases should look similar to this:

Manual installation

Update Info.plist

In your target's Info.plist file, add a new string with the key FlowplayerAccessToken and set the value to your Wowza Flowplayer access token to enable the player to play content.