Listen for events with the Wowza Flowplayer Apple SDK
With the Wowza Flowplayer Apple SDK, you can consume player-emitted events. Your iOS or tvOS application can then respond to player status changes in real time, implementing custom logic or updating the user interface in a pre-determined way. For example, you can listen to event changes in the player state, player view, or ad behavior. You can capture events using the delegate method or the NotificationCenter class.
Listen with the delegate method
The SDK leverages the delegate pattern and pre-defined protocols to customize object behavior and inform you of events in your application. This section summarizes the delegates used to observe and respond to advertising events, player events, and changes in the player's view.
Both the FlowplayerAdDelegate
and FlowplayerDelegate
methods can be used to listen to iOS and tvOS application events. However, the FlowplayerViewDelegate
only applies to capturing events for iOS applications.
Applies to: iOS and tvOS
Delegate | Description |
FlowplayerAdDelegate |
Applies to capturing events for iOS and tvOS applications. Handles advertisement-related events, such as changes in the advertisement state and advertisement errors. |
extension MyViewController: FlowplayerAdDelegate {
func player(_: FlowplayerAPI, didAdFailWith error: AdError) {
print("Ad failed with error: \(error)")
func player(_: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeAdState state: AdState, for adType: AdType) {
print("Ad of type: \(adType) changed state: \(state)")
Event listeners reference
player(_:didAdFailWith:) or player(_:didAdFailWith:for:with:)
Description: Called when the player encounters an error related to advertisement playback.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didAdFailWith error: AdError)
Use the type
enumeration to indicate the AdType
that failed (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll). Include the optional IMAMetadata
parameter to provide additional Interactive Media Ads (IMA) SDK metadata for the ad error.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didAdFailWith error: AdError, for type: AdType, with metadata: IMAMetadata?)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The FlowplayerAPI instance reporting the advertisement error. |
error |
The AdError object describing the encountered error. |
type |
The AdType causing the error. |
metadata |
The IMAMetadata object containing the IMA SDK metadata for the advertisement error. |
Description: Called when the player's advertisement state changes.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeAdState state: AdState, for adType: AdType)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The FlowplayerAPI instance reporting the advertisement state. |
state |
The new AdState representing the updated advertisement state. Use this property to check if the player is currently playing an advertisement. |
adType |
The type of advertisement that the state changed for. |
Applies to: iOS and tvOS
Delegate | Description |
FlowplayerDAIDelegate |
Applies to capturing events for iOS and tvOS applications. When using Googles IMA Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) SDK, handles stream-related events, such as stream errors, stream state changes, and stream ad playback progress. |
extension MyViewController: FlowplayerDAIDelegate {
func player(_: any FlowplayerAPI, didStreamFailWith error: AdError) {
print("Stream error:", error)
func player(_: any FlowplayerAPI, didStreamChangeState state: DAIStateStream) {
print("Stream state changed:", state)
func player(_: any FlowplayerAPI, didStreamChangeAdProgress adProgress: DAIAdProgress) {
print("Stream ad progress changed:", adProgress)
Event listeners reference
Description: Called when there is a change in ad playback progress within a DAI stream. This method provides detailed information about the current ad's playback status within the DAI stream, such as the time elapsed, total duration, and its position within the ad break.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didStreamChangeAdProgress adProgress: DAIAdProgress)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The FlowplayerAPI instance where the DAI stream originates. |
adProgress |
The optional DAIAdProgress structure providing detailed progress information for the current ad within the DAI stream. |
Description: Called when the DAI stream state changes within the player. This method informs the delegate of changes unrelated to specific ad content, such as stream initialization, pausing, or resuming. For changes related to ad content, such as detecting the start or end of an ad, use the FlowplayerAdDelegate.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didStreamChangeState state: DAIStateStream)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The FlowplayerAPI instance where the DAI stream originates. |
state |
The DAIStateStream enum representing the state of the DAI stream. |
Description: Called when the player encounters an error with a DAI stream.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didStreamFailWith error: AdError)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The FlowplayerAPI instance reporting the DAI stream error. |
error |
The AdError object describing the encountered DAI stream error. |
Applies to: iOS and tvOS
Delegate | Description |
FlowplayerDelegate |
Applies to capturing events for iOS and tvOS applications. Handles general player events, such as playback state changes, volume changes, position updates, playback rate changes, and errors. |
extension MyViewController: FlowplayerDelegate {
func player(_: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeState state: PlayerState) {
if case .ready = state {
print("The player is ready!")
func player(_: FlowplayerAPI, didFailWith error: PlayerError) {
print("The player encountered an error.", error)
Event listeners reference
State, position, source, duration, and rate events
Description:Called when the player's media duration changes.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeDuration duration: Double)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the duration change. |
progress |
The new media duration represented in seconds. |
Description: Called when the player's playback state changes.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangePlaybackState state: PlaybackState)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the playback state change. |
state |
The new playback state. |
Description: Called when the player's position changes.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangePosition position: Double)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the position change. |
progress |
The new position value represented in seconds. |
Description: Called when the player's playback rate changes.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeRate rate: Float)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the rate change. |
rate |
The new playback rate. |
Description: Called when the player's state changes.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeState state: PlayerState)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the state change. |
state |
The new player state. |
Description: Called when the player receives a new source URL to load. This source can stem from a MediaOVP
, MediaExternal
, or MediaDAI
media type. The asset URL will be loaded by the underlying AVPlayer
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didReceiveSource source: URL)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The FlowplayerAPI player instance notifying the delegate. |
source |
The URL object representing the raw asset. |
Playback type, buffering, and Digital Video Recording (DVR) events
Description: Called when there's a change in the buffer state of the player. Indicates if the player is currently buffering or not.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeBufferState state: PlaybackBufferState)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The FlowplayerAPI instance that triggered the event. |
state |
The new PlaybackBufferState state of the player. |
Description: Notifies the delegate that the DVR window has changed. The DVR window represents the available playback duration for seeking and playback control in DVR-enabled content.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeDVRWindow dvrWindow: DVRWindow)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The FlowplayerAPI instance notifying the delegate. |
dvrWindow |
DVRWindow providing information about the start and end times of the DVR window. |
Description: Called when there's a change in the playback type, such as switching between a live stream and video-on-demand (VOD) playback.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangePlaybackType type: PlaybackType)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The FlowplayerAPI instance that triggered the event. |
state |
The new PlaybackType that the player changed to. |
Volume events
Description: Called when the player's mute state changes.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeMute mute: Bool)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the mute state change. |
mute |
The new mute state. Returns true if muted and false otherwise. |
Description: Called when the player's volume changes.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeVolume volume: Float)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the volume change. |
volume |
The new volume level. |
Audio and subtitle events
player(_:loadedTracks audioList:)
Description: Called when the player loads a list of audio tracks.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, loadedTracks audioList: [AudioTrack])
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the loaded audio tracks. |
audioList |
An array of AudioTrack objects representing the loaded audio tracks. |
player(_:loadedTracks subtitleList:)
Description: Called when the player loads a list of subtitle tracks.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, loadedTracks subtitleList: [SubtitleTrack])
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the loaded subtitle tracks. |
subtitleList |
An array of SubtitleTrack objects representing the loaded subtitle tracks. |
player(_:selectedTrack audio:)
Description: Called when the player selects an audio track.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, selectedTrack audio: AudioTrack)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the selected audio track. |
audio |
The AudioTrack object representing the selected audio track. |
player(_:selectedTrack subtitle:)
Description: Called when the player selects a subtitle track.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, selectedTrack subtitle: SubtitleTrack)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the selected subtitle track. |
subtitle |
The SubtitleTrack object representing the selected subtitle track. |
Description: Called when the player loads a Wowza Video configuration for the current media.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didReceiveConfig ovpConfig: OVPConfig)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the loaded configuration. |
ovpConfig |
The OVPConfig object representing the loaded configuration. |
Quality, seek state, and error events
Description: Called when the presentation size of the player changes, typically due to a change in the media content or the player's dimensions.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeQuality quality: PlayerQuality)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The FlowplayerAPI instance that triggered the presentation size change. |
size |
The new PlayerQuality representing the video quality. |
Description: Called when the seek state of the player changes.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didChangeSeek state: PlaybackSeekState, to position: Double)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The FlowplayerAPI instance reporting the seek state change. |
state |
The new PlaybackSeekState representing the updated seek state of the player. The failed stated indicates the player hasn't been able to seek to the desired position. |
position |
The position that the player has seeked to. |
Description: Called when the player encounters an error.
func player(_ player: FlowplayerAPI, didFailWith error: PlayerError)
Parameter | Description |
player |
The player instance reporting the error. |
error |
The PlayerError text describing the error. |
Applies to: iOS
Delegate | Description |
FlowplayerViewDelegate |
Only applies to capturing events for iOS applications. Handles events related to the player view, such as changes in full-screen mode, controls visibility, encountered errors, and view visibility changes. |
extension MyViewController: FlowplayerViewDelegate {
func view(_: FlowplayerViewAPI, didEncounterError error: Error?) {
guard let error else { return }
print("Oh no, I've encountered an error!")
func view(_: FlowplayerViewAPI, didChangeFullscreen isFullscreen: Bool) {
print("isFullscreen:", isFullscreen)
func view(_: FlowplayerViewAPI, didChangeControlsVisibility isVisible: Bool) {
print("ControlsVisibility:", isVisible)
func view(_: FlowplayerViewAPI, didChangeViewVibility isVisible: Bool) {
print("View changed visibility to:", isVisible ? "visible" : "hidden")
Event listener reference
Description: Called when the FlowplayerViewAPI controls visibility changes between hidden and visible.
func view(_ view: FlowplayerViewAPI, didChangeControlsVisibility isVisible: Bool)
Parameter | Description |
view |
The player view that has changed its controls visibility. |
isVisible` | Boolean value indicating if the controls are visible or not. |
Description: Called when the player enters or exits full-screen mode.
func view(_ view: FlowplayerViewAPI, didChangeFullscreen isFullscreen: Bool)
Parameter | Description |
view |
The player view that has changed its full-screen mode. |
isFullscreen |
Boolean value indicating if the player is now in full-screen mode (true ) or not (false ). |
Description: Called when the view transitions between different lifecycle states, such as creation or destruction. Use this method to perform any necessary updates or actions based on the lifecycle state.
func view(_ view: FlowplayerViewAPI, didChangeLifecycle lifecycle: ViewLifecycle)
Parameter | Description |
view |
The FlowplayerViewAPI instance whose lifecycle state has changed. |
lifecycle |
The new ViewLifecycle representing the updated lifecycle state. |
Description: Called when FlowplayerViewAPI changes its visibility to either hidden or visible.
func view(_ view: FlowplayerViewAPI, didChangeViewVisibility isVisible: Bool)
Parameter | Description |
view |
The player view that has changed its visibility. |
isVisible |
Boolean value indicating whether the view is visible or not. |
Description: Called when the FlowplayerViewAPI encounters an error.
func view(_ view: FlowplayerViewAPI, didEncounterError error: Error?)
Parameter | Description |
view |
The FlowplayerViewAPI instance reporting the encountered error. |
error |
An optional Error object describing the error. If nil , no specific error information is provided. |
Listen with the NotificationCenter
You can also take advantage of the notification dispatch mechanism included with the SDK to observe events within your application. This section summarizes the notifications used to detect and respond to changes in the player state, ad state, player view, track selection, error events, etc.
Player and advertisement notifications are accessible for both iOS and tvOS applications. However, player view notifications only apply to capturing events for iOS applications.
Advertisement notifications
Applies to: iOS and tvOS
Notification | Object | Description |
flowplayerAdDidChangeState |
AdState , AdType |
Triggered when the state of an ad changes. |
flowplayerAdDidFail |
AdError |
Triggered when an ad fails to load or display. |
flowplayerAdDidFailWithMetadata |
AdError , AdType , IMAMetadata (optional) |
Triggered when an ad fails to load or display the ad type and the optional IMA metadata snapshot. |
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
selector: #selector(onReceivedAdState),
name: .flowplayerAdDidChangeState,
object: nil
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
name: .flowplayerAdDidChangeState,
object: nil
func onReceivedAdState(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let (state, type) = notification.object as? (AdState, AdType) else {
print("Ad of type: \(type) changed state: \(state)")
DAI stream notifications
Applies to: iOS and tvOS
Notification | Object | Description |
flowplayerDAIStreamDidChangeAdProgress |
DAIAdProgress |
Triggered when the progress of an ad within a DAI stream changes. |
flowplayerDAIStreamDidChangeState |
DAIStateStream |
Triggered when the state of a DAI stream changes. |
flowplayerDAIStreamDidFailWithError |
AdError |
Triggered when a DAI stream experiences an error. |
// Declare variable to hold player instance
var player: FlowplayerAPI?
// Load VOD stream into player using MediaDAI object
let media = MediaDAI(stream: DAIStreamVOD(contentSourceID: "[content-source-id]", videoID: "[video-id]"))
if let player = player {
player.load(dai: media)
} else {
print("Player is not initialized.")
// Register current object to receive notifications when stream state changes
selector: #selector(onReceivedState),
name: .flowplayerDAIStreamDidChangeState,
object: nil
// Call onReceived method when notification is received and extract state information
private func onReceivedState(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let state = notification.object as? DAIStateStream else {
print("Stream state changed:", state)
Player notifications
Applies to: iOS and tvOS
Notification | Object | Description |
flowplayerDidChangeBufferState |
PlaybackBufferState |
Triggered when the buffer state of the player changes. |
flowplayerDidChangeDuration |
Double |
Triggered when the player updates its duration. |
flowplayerDidChangeDVRWindow |
DVRWindow |
Triggered when the DVR window changes. Only valid for live streams. |
flowplayerDidChangeIsMuted |
Bool |
Triggered when the player's mute value changes. |
flowplayerDidChangePlaybackState |
PlaybackState |
Triggered when the player's playback state changes. |
flowplayerDidChangePlaybackType |
PlaybackType |
Triggered when the playback type of the player changes. |
flowplayerDidChangePosition |
Double (seconds) |
Triggered when the player updates its position. |
flowplayerDidChangeQuality |
PlayerQuality |
Triggered when the player changes its presentation quality. |
flowplayerDidChangeRate |
Float |
Triggered when the playback rate changes. |
flowplayerDidChangeSeekState |
PlaybackSeekState , Double |
Triggered when the player changes its seek state for a certain position. |
flowplayerDidChangeState |
PlayerState |
Triggered when the player's state changes. |
flowplayerDidChangeVolume |
Float |
Triggered when the volume value changes. |
flowplayerDidFailWithError |
FlowplayerError |
Triggered when the player encounters an error. |
flowplayerDidLoadAudioTracks |
[AudioTrack] |
Triggered when the player loads all available audio tracks. |
flowplayerDidLoadSubtitleTracks |
[SubtitleTrack] |
Triggered when the player loads all available subtitle tracks. |
flowplayerDidReceiveConfig |
OVPConfig |
Triggered when the player receives a Wowza Video configuration. |
flowplayerDidReceiveMediaItem |
Media |
Triggered when the player receives a media item to process. |
flowplayerDidReceiveSource |
Triggered when the player receives a valid source URL to load from a MediaOVP , MediaDAI , or MediaExternal media type. |
flowplayerDidSelectAudioTrack |
AudioTrack |
Triggered when the player changes audio tracks. |
flowplayerDidSelectSubtitleTrack |
SubtitleTrack |
Triggered when the player changes subtitle tracks. |
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
selector: #selector(onReceivedState),
name: .flowplayerDidChangeState,
object: nil
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
name: .flowplayerDidChangeState,
object: nil
func onReceivedState(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let state = notification.object as? PlaybackState else { return }
if case .ready = state {
print("The player is ready!")
Player view notifications
Applies to: iOS
Notification | Object | Description |
flowplayerViewDidChangeControlsVisibility |
Bool |
Triggered when the controls visibility of the player view changes. |
flowplayerViewDidChangeFullscreen |
Bool |
Triggered when the full-screen mode of the player view changes. Boolean value indicates if the view is now in full-screen mode (true ) or not (false ). |
flowplayerViewDidChangeLifecycle |
ViewLifecycle |
Triggered when the lifecycle of the player view changes. |
flowplayerViewDidChangeVisibility |
Bool |
Triggered when the visibility of the player view changes. Boolean value indicates if the view is visible (true ) or hidden (false ). |
flowplayerViewDidEncounterError |
Error |
Triggered when the player view encounters an error. |
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
selector: #selector(onFlowplayerDidChangeVisibility),
name: .onFlowplayerDidChangeVisibility,
object: nil
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
name: .flowplayerViewDidChangeVisibility,
object: nil
func onFlowplayerDidChangeVisibility(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let isVisible = notification.object as? Bool else {
print("FlowplayerView is currently:", isVisible ? "Visible" : "Hidden")