About the Wowza Flowplayer React Native SDK


This page introduces the core features of the Wowza Flowplayer React Native SDK and lists all requirements for adding the framework to your iOS and Android projects. For questions or suggestions for improvements to the React Native SDK, you can submit a support ticket to support@flowplayer.com.


The Wowza Flowplayer React Native SDK allows you to seamlessly integrate the Wowza Flowplayer into your native Android and iOS applications that leverage the React Native framework for development.

The SDK provides an easy-to-use API that wraps our native Android and Apple SDKs in a JavaScript layer that's exposed via Node Package Manager (npm). This enables you to develop cross-platform native mobile applications using only JavaScript. Ultimately, you can take advantage of the features that ship with our native Android and Apple SDKs as you enhance the video playback experience for your users.

Our React Native SDK is built on top of these versions of our Apple and Android SDKs:

  • v4.8.0
  • Loading...

To learn more about our native Android and Apple SDKs, see About the Android SDK and About the Apple SDK.

Supported platforms

The Wowza Flowplayer React Native SDK supports these platforms:

  • Android 4.4+ (API level 19+)
  • iOS 14.0+ and iPadOS 14.0+

There's no current support for TV platforms, such as tvOS and Android TV.

Supported features

When you add the Wowza Flowplayer to your Android and iOS projects using the React Native SDK, you can use many of the features that ship with our native Android and Apple SDKs. Supported features are listed in the following table.

Advertising support (Google IMA) Only for Wowza media Only for Wowza media
Subtitle and caption management Only for Wowza media Only for Wowza media
Wowza Flowplayer UI integration

Features like full-screen mode are supported as part of our native Android and Apple SDKs. For more details, see supported features for Wowza Flowplayer Android SDK and Wowza Flowplayer Apple SDK.

Before you start

Before you start with the latest version of the Wowza Flowplayer React Native SDK, check the requirements in the following tables.

iOS requirements

For more, see About the Apple SDK > Before you start.

RequirementVersion information
Supported platformsOS 14.0+, iPadOS 14.0+
Minimum system requirementsSwift 5.7+, macOS 13.0+
Software requirementsXcode 15 and later

Android requirements

For more, see About the Android SDK > Before you start.

RequirementVersion information
Supported platformsAndroid 4.4+ (API level 19+)
Minimum system requirementsJava 8+, Kotlin 1.9
Software requirementsAndroid Studio

Run the demo application

The react-native-sdk-demo repository contains a demo React Native application for iOS or Android React Native projects. Upon successful completion, you can see examples of different player features in each sample application. To work with this example app, you must: